As part of its mandate from the National Government to electrify the country side even up to the last mile communities, ILECO III officers headed by Alex A. Demandante, MSD Chief visited the Office of Hon. Mayor Oscar C. Villegas, Jr.,and Engr. Edwin Beria of the Municipality of Lemery, in order to discuss the on-going status of Sitio Electrification Program (SEP) in the aforementioned Municipality.

The topics discussed during the visitation were the ff:

1. Total Number of recipients for Sitio Electrification Program (SEP) Project

2.Required fees for LGU Permits/Electrical Permits and Fire Safety Clearance

3. Subsidy grants to SEP Recipients and other ministerial requirements in the application of Electric Service Connection.

4. Republic Act 11552 or An act extending and enhancing the implementation of the Lifeline Rate and its Privileges to qualified Member-Consumer-Owners (MCOs).

This initiative is part of ILECO III’s effort to empower its MCOs and promote a comprehensive plan in order to achieve total rural electrification.

National Electrification Administration