The INCREASE for the month of JULY 2022 compared to the previous month is due to the increase in generation cost. The said increase is due to the increase of prices in the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) and coal based power suppliers. WESM prices climbed by P3.9649 per kWh because of the continued tight supply conditions aggravated by the Red and Yellow Alerts recently experienced by the Luzon Grid following several plant outages. The sustained high WESM prices led to the secondary price cap being implemented for 16 of 31 days in the June supply month. The impact of high depreciation of the peso against United Stated dollar and continued increase in the international coal prices have affected the rates of coal based power suppliers. The aforementioned occurrences have resulted to the 21% average increase in the Total Energy Charges and the equivalent of the increase is estimated at PhP 171.95 with VAT and PhP 153.58 without VAT for Residential Consumers with 100 kWh consumptions.
DSM (Distribution, Supply and Metering) is the only portion of your bill that is retained by ILECO III to cover its entire operation and maintenance expenses. This rate remains the same (Php 1.4640) since its first implementation in 2009. The remaining charges mentioned above are pass – through charges. The collected amount under these charges are remitted directly to the respective Power Suppliers, NGCP and other Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCC) such as PSALM and TransCo.